When do you usually study the most? Is it at the beginning of a course? in the middle? or do you end up cramming just before the exam?
Many students take it too easy during the beginning of a course, and cram at the end. However, then you miss out on a great bonus effect.
This has to do with how our brain works, as it can be divided into two parts, the conscious mind and the unconscious. The beauty of the unconscious mind is that it continues to work even when we are done for the day and are no longer studying. It goes on even while you sleep.
The unconscious mind seeks deeper understanding and tries to piece together all the facts you have learned into a functioning whole. This helps you learn more (while not having to work for it).
But, this process takes time. Maybe several days or even weeks. So if you're studying right before the exam, you won't be able to benefit from this incredible effect. Especially not when you're trying to cram, meaning lot's of information in only a short amount of time.
This study technique is all about starting to use your unconscious mind to your advantage.
It's as simple as changing the order of how much you study. Cram at the beginning of the course, study enough during the mid, and just before the exam you can actually slow down and rest (of course, being well-rested yields better results).
In this way, you haven't studied more than you usually do (maybe even less), but you will learn more. It's like knowledge grows with time and gives us interest.
If you have ever tried to put together a puzzle with many pieces, you may have discovered that it is usually easiest to start with the edge pieces first. It becomes like a kind of frame for all the other puzzle pieces to attach to. It kind of works the same way with knowledge.
Useful knowledge is not a single fact, similar to a lone piece of a puzzle, but when they combine and fit together they form a context, a meaning. By starting to study early in the course, you build a kind of framework of facts, a stable base to say, which will make it easier for you to understand the rest of the course content. With this, interest on knowledge can work at it's best.
If there is nothing to do at the beginning of the course (assignments, homework, etc.), you can always sneak-peak at what you will be doing in the coming weeks. Or practicing at an old exam (writing down and copying the answers at this stage. More about that in another article). Give yourself a good start.
Good luck!